Racking System Inspection

Designed to get pallets off the warehouse floor and into a racking system, they provide immediate accessibility to store or unload pallets. Using selective pallet rack systems allows you to fully utilize your warehouse floor space as well as efficiently manage worker time. Inspection include but not limited to: Upright foot plates, Slices out of plump, racking, Floor anchors, Over loading beams, frames, Beam connectors / Clips etc.

Upright Foot Plates

Pallet rack uprights provide a frame for building a pallet rack to provide organized storage for palletized loads or large containers. The uprights attach to compatible beams to create racks with multiple shelf levels.

Slices Out Of Plump Racking

The majority of manufacturers use the splice to mechanically extend the height of the structure, securing the top and bottom sections together but with the imposed load passing directly through the touching uprights, not through the splice bolts.

Over Loading Beams, Frames

Frames are the vertical upright components of a racking system consisting of the uprights, the struts that brace the two verticals, and the footplates.


A hook is a hand tool used for securing and moving loads.

Floor Anchors

Frames are the vertical upright components of a racking system consisting of the uprights, the struts that brace the two verticals, and the footplates.

Beam Connectors / Clips Etc.

Pallet rack beams provide support for pallet racks to assure the racks have adequate support for the weight of the products stored on them, ensuring they don’t bow or create an unsafe condition. 

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