Our Services

What We Provide?

UTI tests, monitors and records individual components, equipment and systems at critical stages in the development of your asset. UTI inspectors and dedicated customer coordinators can ensure you comply with the latest regulatory and quality assurance demands throughout the construction phase. By using common processes, procedures and systems across our Team we can manage every inspection project consistently, from project start-up to delivery. Our specialist regional teams provide a transparent and auditable infrastructure, manage the assignment of projects and select the right inspectors for the right projects.


Lifting Equipment Inspection

Any lifting machine/ device, whether powered or manually operated including the supporting structures and related parts used in connection with such a machine, but excludes continuous mechanical handling devices (i.e. conveyors), such as but not limited to:

Elevator / Escalator
Forklift, Self-loader and Side booms Lifting
Cranes (Tower crane, Mobile crane, Overhead crane etc.,)
Jacks (Hydraulic, Pneumatic) Suspended
MEWP (Boom lift, Scissor lift)
Platforms (BMU, Cradle etc.,)

Lifting Accessories Inspection

Also known as Loose Lifting Gear, any item used to connect a load to the Lifting Equipment but which is not in itself a part of the load or the Equipment, such as:

Chain sling, Wire rope sling, Webbing sling, Round sling Shackle (Dee shackle, Bow shackle)
Lifting beam/Spreader beam Hooks, Eyebolt, Swivels
Beam clamps and Plate clamps

Pressure Equipment Inspection

A pressure vessel is a container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure substantially different from the ambient pressure, such as:

Air receiver
Storage Tanks & piping
Pressure vessel
Compressor Unfired Pressure Vessel
LPG Tankers, Diesel Tankers & Water Tankers

Non-Destructive Testing

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage.

Visual Testing
Ultrasonic Testing
Penetrate Testing
Magnetic Particle Testing Dye

Thermography Test

Thermographic inspection refers to the nondestructive testing of parts, materials or systems through the imaging of the temperature fields, gradients and/ or patterns (thermograms) at the object’s surface. Generally, thermographic inspection is performed using an infrared sensor (thermographic camera).

Portable Appliance Test

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is the term used to describe the examination of electrical appliances and equipment to ensure they are safe to use. Most electrical safety defects can be found by visual examination yet other types of defects can only be found by testing.

Welding Machine
Grinding & Cutting Machines
Hand Power Tools

Pull-out Testing

A Pull-Out Test gauges the strength of a particular specimen through the use of dedicated tension jacks, which are injected into the specimen under testing.

Anchor Bolts
Eye Bolts
Anchoring points
Concrete Strength

Racking System Inspection

Designed to get pallets off the warehouse floor and into a racking system, they provide immediate accessibility to store or unload pallets. Using selective pallet rack systems allows you to fully utilize your warehouse floor space as well as efficiently manage worker time. Inspection include but not limited to:

Upright Foot Plates
Slices out of Plump Racking
Floor Anchors
Over Loading Beams, Frames
Beam connectors / Clips etc.,

Earth Moving Equipment

Earth-Moving equipment generally refers to an y piece of heavy machinery that can move and grade soil and rock.  In addition to construction work, they are also used for materials handling, demolition, mining, and any other industry that requires more power than can be provided by humans.

Upright Foot Plates
Slices out of Plump Racking
Floor Anchors
Over Loading Beams, Frames
Beam connectors / Clips etc.,

Emergency / Fire Evacuation Plan.

Emergency / Fire evacuation plan.

Training and Certifications Services

Earth-Moving equipment generally refers to an y piece of heavy machinery that can move and grade soil and rock.  In addition to construction work, they are also used for materials handling, demolition, mining, and any other industry that requires more power than can be provided by humans.

  • Service 1: Risk assessment training
  • Service 2: Welder Training
  • Service 3: Training for Lifting equipment Operators
  • Service 4: Training for Earth Moving Equipment Operators
  • Service 5: Training for Rigger
  • Service 6: Training for Scaffolder
  • Service 7: Training for Working at Height
  • Service 8: Training for Basic Fire Fighting
  • Service 9: Training for Basic First Aid
  • Service 10: Training for Confined Space

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